Insurance Claims

Trusted Roof Repair After Storm Damage

We Will Help You File an Insurance Claim

A severe storm rolls through your area, and it may be over in a few minutes. The damage occurring in that short amount of time is almost unbelievable, however. Your house was battered by hail, shaken by strong gusts of wind and hit with heavy rain. 

Insurance Claims Require Specific Knowledge

Afterwards, you survey your roof to see if it is still intact. There are bare spots where the wind tore away shingles. Hail punctured some of the remaining shingles. Maybe the wind tossed a large tree limb and put a hole in your roof. Clearly, you need roof repair, but how will you pay for it? You have a homeowners insurance policy but you’ve never had to file a claim. How difficult will it be? Trust Caripides Roofing to answer all the questions you have.

Caripides Roofing has plenty of experience dealing with insurance companies, and we use this knowledge to assist our customers in filing claims. If your roof has damage, do not wait to contact your insurance company. Take action fast to stop water from entering your home through damaged areas. 

Additionally, call us right away for a free inspection. Climbing a ladder can be dangerous, and you may not know exactly what to look for. Let one of our professionals climb on your roof and conduct a thorough evaluation. You’ll receive a list of any problems found, recommendations for what to do about them and an estimate. We can also cover leaks temporarily with tarps to protect your home’s interior.

Filing Your Claim Properly

Although the specific provisions of your policy will determine what it covers, most homeowners policies cover damage from fire, hail, wind, ice and heavy snow. The friendly staff at Caripides Roofing will put together the documentation you need and guide you through the process of filing a claim.

Contact Us for Immediate Assistance

Don’t wait for that leak to cause water stains on your ceiling and walls. Call Caripides Roofing at (610) 269-0172 or fill out the online form to request a free estimate for roof repair and to receive help filing your insurance claim.